
This is your annual portfolio checkup. Our goal is to check in with you frequently, in a convenient manner, to do a quick review with you to make sure we are managing your portfolio appropriately.

If at any time you have questions or you would like to book an appointment with me, click on any of the links on the right hand side.

To begin, check out the video I’ve posted on the right hand side for my most recent comments. Once you have done this, click NEXT. Please note that the information we require from you is mandatory. If we do not receive this information from you electronically, then we need to meet with you personally. In either situation, this is information that we must collect from you to make sure we still have a full understanding of your current situation.

Thank you for the opportunity to do this important work for you. We appreciate the trust and confidence you have placed in us.

All the best!


Douglas V. Nelson
President. Portfolio Manager.
Nelson Portfolio Management Corp.

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Personal Information

Step #1 of 10: Your Personal Information. We always want to make sure the information we have on file is up to date and accurate. Please complete the following information. The video on the right will help to explain further why we need this information and how it will be used.

Spouse 1 - Personal Details

ex. Sep 21, 2024

Spouse 1 - Employment Information

You could enter a specific date or you could be more general by saying something like: in 10 years; in 2022; or at age 65.

Spouse 2 - Personal Details

ex. Sep 21, 2024

Spouse 2 - Employment Information

You could enter a specific date or you could be more general by saying something like: in 10 years; in 2022; or at age 65.

Home Address

U.S. Information

Step #2 of 10: Your Connection To The United States. Many Canadian’s spend considerable time vacationing or working in the U.S.. Many Canadian’s are also U.S. citizens. These activities may have a significant impact on the tax implications on your portfolio. Please complete the following information. The video on the right will help to explain further why we need this information and how it will be used.

Spouse 1 - U.S. Information

If so, please provide it to us below.
If not, please enter "NO".

What is your connection to the U.S. and do you have a closer connection to the U.S. than Canada? This is what the U.S. government wants to know. To determine this, they use a formula called the Substantial Presence Test. This formula looks at the number of days you have spent in the U.S. over the past three years. In general, if you are averaging less than 120 days in the U.S. each year, there are no issues. If you are averaging more than 120 days each year, you will have annual filing requirements with the IRS that cannot be avoided. If you are close to 120 days each year in the U.S. please be in touch with us right away for further conversation.

Spouse 2 - U.S. Information

If so, please provide it to us below.
If not, please enter "NO".

What is your connection to the U.S. and do you have a closer connection to the U.S. than Canada? This is what the U.S. government wants to know. To determine this, they use a formula called the Substantial Presence Test. This formula looks at the number of days you have spent in the U.S. over the past three years. In general, if you are averaging less than 120 days in the U.S. each year, there are no issues. If you are averaging more than 120 days each year, you will have annual filing requirements with the IRS that cannot be avoided. If you are close to 120 days each year in the U.S. please be in touch with us right away for further conversation.

Net Worth

Step #3 of 10: Your Net Worth. Your net worth is the difference between the value of the things you own (such as your home and your investments) minus the debts you have (such as a line of credit, mortgage, credit cards or car loan). The video on the right will help to explain further why we need this information and how it will be used.

  • Have you received an inheritance?
  • Have you bought something new?
  • Have you sold something?

  • Do you expect to receive an inheritance?
  • Do you expect to be making additional lump sum deposits to your savings, and / or against your debts?
  • Do you expect to be making one or more lump sum withdrawals from your portfolio?
  • If yes, please explain.

Portfolio Restrictions

Step #4 of 10: Portfolio Restrictions. Are you restricted from holding any specific types of investments? The video on the right will help to explain further why we need this information and how it will be used.

If Yes, please add the name of the company and your share percentage details below.
If No, type “No”.

What is a public company?
A public company is a company that has issued securities through an initial public offering (IPO) and is traded on at least one stock exchange or over the counter market?
What is a control position?
Do you 10% or more of the public company?

If Yes, please add the details below.
If No, please type “No”.

If Yes, please add the details below.
If No, please type “No”.

If Yes, please add the details below.
If No, please type “No”.

You are a politically exposed foreign person if you hold or you have ever held one of the following offices or positions in or on behalf of a foreign country:

  • a head of state or government;
  • a member of the executive council of government or member
  • of a legislature;
  • a deputy minister (or equivalent);
  • an ambassador or an ambassador’s attaché or counsellor;
  • a military general (or higher rank);
  • a president of a state-owned company or bank;
  • a head of a government agency;
  • a judge; or a leader or president of a political party in a legislature.

You are also considered a politically exposed foreign person if you are a family member of an individual described above. In this context, a family member means one of the following:

  • mother or father;
  • child;
  • spouse or common-law partner;
  • spouse’s or common-law partner’s mother or father and
  • brother, sister, half-brother or half-sister (that is, any other child of the individual’s mother or father).

For more information, click here (http://www.fintrac.gc.ca/publications/brochure/06-2008/1-eng.pdf).

Investment Reporting

Step #5 of 10: Investment Reporting. Are you receiving the reports that we are sending to you? The video on the right will help to explain further why we need this information and how it will be used.

Reports You Receive from Nelson Portfolio Management Corp:

Nelson Portfolio Management Corp. sends to you a package of information in January, April, July and October.
This package contains:

  • a colorful quarterly portfolio commentary and
  • a quarterly portfolio report that contains a snapshot of your account, a monthly performance report and a list of historical transactions.

For your convenience, above you will see links that provide to you a further explanation of how to read your Quarterly Portfolio Report and to view our previously published Quarterly Portfolio Commentaries

Reports You Receive from NBCN:

  • Statement Frequency: NBCN is to provide to you a quarterly statement as a minimum. If there is activity in your account that month, NBCN is to provide to you a monthly statement. This means that you may, from time to time, receive a monthly statement showing some of your accounts, but not all of them.
  • On-line Access to your NBCN Account: We can also set you up to have on-line access to your NBCN account. We can also set you up to have your NBCN statements sent to you electronically. To set this up, please contact Lorraine.
  • For more information about NBCN, see the attached brochure “Welcome To National Bank Correspondent Network"

Past Risk & Returns

Step #6 of 10: Past Risk & Returns. Are you comfortable with your portfolio today? The video on the right will help to explain further why we need this information and how it will be used.

In the last section we talked about the Nelson Portfolio Management Corp. quarterly reports. In this package is a Monthly Performance Report. This report shows you the beginning value, ending value and rate of return for each of the past 12 months. This report also shows you your historical investment returns. The rate of returns for periods greater than 1 year are annually compounded returns.

If you answer Yes or Not Sure, please add additional information in the comments section below.

If Yes or Not Sure, please add additional information in the comments section below.

If Yes, please add additional information in the comments section below.

If so, please add them here. Your feedback is very important to us. Your feedback helps us to understand your perspective and concerns. Your feedback also helps us ensure that we are managing the portfolio in a manner that is consistent with your comfort level and objectives.

Looking Ahead

Step #7 of 10: Looking Ahead. What do you expect for the next 1 to 3 years? Could there be some significant events in your life such as changes in your marital status or health, moving to a new home, buying or selling a cottage, starting or selling a business, a significant career change, changes in your income, receiving an inheritance and / or transitioning into retirement? If so, these changes may have a direct impact on how we manage your portfolio. To help us understand how you view the next few years, please answer the questions below. The video on the right will help to explain further why we need this information and how it will be used.

This question does not relate to typical income withdrawals.

Nelson Portfolio Management Corp. views your overall portfolio as one investment, with one specific investment mandate (Conservative, Balanced or Growth). To achieve this, specific accounts within your portfolio may be structured more conservatively or more aggressively based on things such as your personal circumstances, time line or tax picture.

Anti-Money Laundering & Financial Fraud Protection

Step #8 of 10: Anti-Money Laundering & Financial Fraud Protection: Please tell us a little more about your personal situation today and what we can expect from you going forward. The video on the right will help to explain further why we need this information and how it will be used.

Please explain below the frequency and amounts you expect to deposit or withdraw over the coming year.

Please provide details.
  • What does the business do?
  • What products or services does it provide to its customers?
  • Who is the typical customer of the business?

Please list the country names below.

If so, please provide the details below.


Step #9 of 10: Confirmation: the information provided will be used to manage your portfolio based on your goals and objectives. By indicating below you agree the information submitted is complete and accurate. The video on the right will help to explain further why we need this information and how it will be used.


Step #10 of 10: Thanks again for taking the time to complete this checkup. This information is very helpful and informative as it helps us to be sure that we are managing your investment portfolio in the most appropriate manner. Once you select the Save and Complete button below, all of your answers will be saved and submitted to NPMC for review and you will be taken to the NPMC resources page. If we have any questions about any of your answers, we will be in touch with you to discuss them accordingly. When our review is complete, we will then send to you a copy for your files. The video on the right will help to explain further why we need this information and how it will be used.

If so, please let us know and we will arrange a time to meet.
  • Are we meeting or exceeding your expectations?
  • What would you suggest we do to improve?
  • Your feedback is important to us.

Douglas Nelson is President and Portfolio Manager for Nelson Portfolio Management Corp. and is responsible for making all final investment decisions regarding client accounts and the NFC Tactical Asset Allocation Pool. Doug is the author of the Portfolio Checkup Process website, but any reference to “our” or “we” represents the collective efforts and contributions of various members of the Nelson team. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this website. Certain of the statements made may contain forward looking statements, which involve known and unknown risk, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward looking statements. Any opinions expressed in this website are just that, and are not guarantees of any future performance or returns.